Tel No. 886-6-232-8830

南誠 簡介

南誠企業股份有限公司 關聯企業發展史

南誠企業創立於1984年,於2000年4月通過ISO9002品質認證。我們以金屬線材拉伸多層次加工為主,專業研發生產及販售各種高碳鋼線、不鏽鋼線、琴鋼線、鍍鋅鋼線、油回火線等金屬線材,並可依客戶所需訂製各種不同規格線材產品,如壓扁線,異形線等。自有品牌有龍球及UP WIRE。廣泛運用於洋傘、精密彈簧、鈕扣、魚鉤,ABS鋁框鋼線、釘框線、機車避震器、運動器材…等。

1973 金鎰成實業有限公司在雲林縣二崙鄉成立工廠,專業生產龍球牌細鋼線,成功開發鍍鋅再伸鋼線。

1980 金鎰成彰化門市部成立。

1984 南誠企業股份有限公司於台南永康成立,以服務雲嘉南地區彈簧業界,並負責行銷東南亞業務。

1986 金鎰成彰化門市部,升格為升成實業有限公司,以擴大服務規模。

2000 南誠企業通過ISO9002認證,同年金鎰成實業總公司移到台北樹林,台灣北中南銷售點布局完成,為全國的客戶做最迅速的服務。

2003 南誠企業成功開發”UP WIRE”優品牌高碳鋼線、琴鋼線,行銷台灣與東南亞地區。

2006 為增強外銷服務,南誠企業設立新市二廠。

2015 南誠企業永康倉儲擴建完成。

2017 南誠企業官網重新改版完成。

About Nan Cheng Co.,

Nan Cheng Steel Wire Company is a supplier and processor of various high-carbon steel wires, multi-level processing of metal wire drawing, stainless steel wire, piano wire, galvanized steel wire, oil-tempered wire, and other forms of metal wire. The company has kept pace with continually -changing market conditions, meeting the needs of the growing Southeast Asia market metalworking community for some two decades. We are continuously investing in our business: expanding our facilities, upgrading and replacing our equipment, and adding to our already extensive stocks of wires. The company was found in 1984 and it passed ISO 9002 certification in April, 2000.

Depending on our clients’ needs, we provide a variety of different specifications of wire products, such as flattening wire, contour wire and other specs. Our products have been widely used in umbrellas, precision springs, buttons, hooks, ABS aluminum frame steel wires, nail frame lines, locomotive shock absorbers, sports equipment, and in other scenarios. Nan Chang has two brand images, ‘Dragon Ball,’ and ‘Up Wire.’